Nathan Ma
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Nathan Ma
Berlin-Based Copywriter & Journalist

I'm Nathan, and I work in marketing

I'm a Berlin-based copywriter, content designer, and brand strategist with 7+ years experience in working on digital campaigns across industries. I also work as a writer and critic with a focus on stories at the intersection of pop culture and power, and as a lecturer in Media & Marketing at Europe’s largest institute for music.

I am currently looking for a new role in digital marketing. Let’s talk.

How can I help you?

I make words and websites more fun and functional. My work covers both digital marketing and digital products from brand strategy and social media to tone of voice and UX writing guidelines.

  • Advocating for copy and design as part of design, branding, and product teams

  • Defining and refining internal style guides

  • Executing clear, concise, and creative campaigns

  • Narrative and editorial development through branded content and partnerships

What else can I do? Try me: Tell me what you need and let's go from there.
